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Little Leaves Play

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Mama, you're INCREDIBLE.

Are you ready to nurture the future through empowerment, loving connections and play?

We support you and your baby's journey through their earliest years

You've done it! You're embarking on a new time in your life with a baby and as a parent. 


What an amazing journey it is, from caressing your pregnant belly, to holding your newborn full of love, gratitude, and milky-scented snuggles and then on to the toddler years and beyond.

But everyone tells you to enjoy every moment - it goes by so fast. But it's tough. Overwhelming. Exhausting. Confusing. Where is that village everyone talks about?

That's where we come in. You love your baby so much, we know that. But you deserve support and empowerment - a welcoming safe space, a community of other parents who 'get it', a knowledgeable practitioner who can guide you though classes to ensure your baby has the best start in life. That's Little Leaves Play.

Discover Little Leaves Play classes and services that adapt to you, your baby, and your unique family. Forget the judgement, the bias, the one size fits all approach. You'll simply have an incredible time that supports you and your baby to flourish. 

Kind Words

"Lovely development atmosphere"

"Lovely development atmosphere with patient, baby led instruction. New ways to play and aid development that we can practice at home. Looking forward to more sessions in the future."

- Leah


Whether you are pregnant, have just recently had a baby, are wanting a calm regulating environment for you and your child or you just need some community spirit.

We have something for everyone.


You are unsure whether you want to breastfeed your baby or not. You're overwhelmed by all of the information you've been given, or are completely unaware of what's involved in a breastfeeding journey. Discover the mindset needed for successful breastfeeding, how your body prepares for, and nourishes your baby and how you and a partner can connect with your baby whether you eventually decide to breastfeed or not! This is about empowering you and the support network around you so that you can make the best choices for you and your family. 




Your baby has just spent an incredible 9 months in the womb where they had everything they needed. They are born in to a loud, bright, fast-paced world where anything and everything stimulates each and every one of their senses. YOU have also made an incredible transition in to parenthood and the 4th trimester as well. Let's empower you to give your baby the best start in life and the foundations of their development for years to come. 



Your baby is now becoming more alert and developing their own little quirks and mannerisms. This class focuses on the development and integration of all of your baby's sensory systems which will serve them throughout their life. The classes are still calming and regulating, but with that 'just right' level of play challenge and sensory input.



Incredibly your baby has made so much developmental progress in just a short amount of time. We continue to develop your child's sensory systems through connectedness and play, focussing now on much more practising of movements and activities to really ensure your baby creates strong neural connections in their developing brain. 



As your toddler develops, so too does their play. They still need to practise the basics and foundations of play to refine their skills, however, your toddler will be discovering new ways to do things every day. From continuously stacking up objects and knocking them down, to spinning around and round, empower yourself in the power of play to continue to develop your child on a holistic level.


The ultimate bonding experience for you and your baby. Discover the art of baby massage and its origins from eastern cultures which has been practised throughout the world for thousands of years. It has many proven benefits which support baby development and stimulation, parent and child bonding, relieving pains from digestive issues, teething and congestion and promoting relaxation.



In the womb, your baby has been protected for 9 months floating around in amniotic fluid. It is no wonder then, why water and water's touch can have such a calming influence over your baby. Discover the sensory element of the water as we delve in to giving your baby their first nurturing water based experiences.


Let's support you and your baby to enjoy tummy time! Tummy Time is an essential position for play in supporting and developing baby's core which they will use as the foundations for life long physical development, stamina, strength and control. Tummy Time doesn't have to be a chore. Babies can learn to love tummy time!


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Kind Words

"Not too overstimulating"

"A great set up. Really nice resources. Not too overstimulating and was also nice to have some Mum exercises too. Loved the breathing exercise and choice of music was really nice ."

- Alex

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